Thursday, April 8, 2010

Montblanc fountain pen

My mom said it. Women just love things, they can't help it. And if my budget can't embrace this consumer ideology, I'm hoping my blog will serve as an outlet for my own devotion to things, and at the very least, serve as a wish list: a record of everything I want so that when I sell my first million books or marry Mr. Darcy... I can get it all! YES. so great.

First item for my writing table: The Montblanc fountain pen (last on Justin Saunders' Spring Classics List). (Did I care or even notice that his blog is about Men's fashion? Absolutely not! We all have a bit of Annie Hall in us, right?) Saunders asks if anyone still handwrites letters... to which I answered, YES, ME, I DO! THIS PEN IS FOR ME! So, that, when I write my best friends (and someday, my lover), not only will the receive a letter with cool, classic penmanship, I might even have ink stains on my right index finger... just like Jo did when she met Professor Bhaer. "You know, when first I saw you, I though: Ah, she is a writer." "What made you think so?" THE INK. It was the ink! And then I'll blush, just like Jo. And then I'll end up marrying Professor Bhaer, but still have the occasional passionate dream about Teddie. And you know, have it all.

1 comment:

  1. i'd just like to vouch that yes indeed, you do write hand-written letters. and they rock. but i'm with you- the fountain pen would totally take it to the next level.

